You can pay by almost all popular forms of Credit and Charge Cards,
You can phone your order on Int +44 (0)1603 891209. We will also help ensure that the parts you are ordering are corect for your engine type etc.
If you would like to pay via Paypal please click the button below to take you to paypals secure website. However normally it is best to email us on so that we can send a Paypal invoice directly to you for the parts that you list in your email.
Or as an alternative, you can wire funds to our Bank Account.
Bank account held at National Westminster
Bank 119 Boundary Road, Norwich, Norfolk UK.
Account name Christopher Thomas Crane and RPi International T/As RPi International.
Account Number
48924679 Sort Code 60-15-31
Swift Code NWBKGB2L
IBAN No GB98NWBK60153148924679
Please be assured we will check all orders for being appropriate for your needs where required, if your order or part order therein seems incorrect for any reason, or if we feel you require further advice / clarification it will be given, or indeed if some required products are available or ex-stock, we would also advise. Any payments made would then be corrected accordingly.
For all our latest prices and stock availability, see our online shop