Online Projects |
Here you can see the (my) 5.2 on the 4WD
rollers. It has also undergone some further upgrades including the twin outlet
stainless steel exhaust system. I have done over 22,000 miles in this car in
one year and I don't want to part with it yet :-))
or even in the near
Page 1 of [2] 4.0
to 4.6 Conversion (high Torque/efficiency)
And how it was before! |
4.8, 4.9, and now 5.2 Conversions
This 4.0 Range Rover was always going
to be underpowered. When it comes to acceleration and engine torque, its lack
of power is most noticable when upshifting gears and with part throttle
(But not for much longer) |
Still as a 4.0, re-chipping made a
substantial difference to the power, and economy was also increased. This would
be expected when chipping any 4.0 or 4.6.
After the two chips were fitted, the car's performance became
somewhat more 'Keen', indeed a main agent thought the 4.0
was a 4.6. These gains can be expected from any 'New Shape'
Range Rover or D90 Re-chip. |
After testing our 4.0 Twin Chip conversion it was
time to pull the 4.0 and fit the New RPi 4.9 Engine. The picture on the right
(2) shows how easy it is to remove this engine once all the plumbing is out of
the way. Once removed, the ancillaries will be fitted onto the 4.9 ready for
refitting. |
Omega pistons used in the 4.8 & 4.9 are
essential for highest performance and optimum reliability in demanding
situations. |
Poor exhaust matching does not help, indeed
it's a real power killer. |
now ported and ready to fit onto the 4.9's 'Ultimate Big Valve'
Heads. |
Although this 4.8 conversion is now completed, we will not be
able to provide power figures until the engine has fully bedded
in. We will be using the Rolling Road services of Power Engineering
in Uxbridge, and will have details soon.
it is easy to recognize already the new characteristics
of this engine, the torque is seemingly endless, the economy
is better than the 4.0 and nothing can pass it (I'm still
running it in).
4.9 conversion not only rivals the highly publicized Supercharge
Systems available (£16k if you
want one that works) but wipes the floor with them,
not just for power. This 4.9 is considerably stronger than
the stock engine whilst Supercharging, on the other hand,
is not only more liable to go wrong, but has nasty destructive
tendencies compared to a std. 4.0 and 4.6 Rover Engine (I
know of many blown ones already).
And now the RPi V-Max 5.2 (fully tested) is available, you'd
better look out, believe me it's Awesome (if not convinced,
come and take a test drive).
Details of the twin ECU chipping for the
This is what they can't do, and it's what makes our Gems Engine upgrades
The Engine management system of these vehicles not only controls, but learns
too. So adding extra injectors for Supercharging just doesn't cut the ice, to
realise the potential of the superb 4.6 and 4.9 engines you need to open up the
potential of the ECU. |
Come test our newest demonstrators
(now upgraded to 5.2 and LPG ) 0-60 is coming up in 7 sec.
and 90mph in 15 (S/s 1/4), and part throttle driving shows
economy superior to standard factory 4.6. And on LPG too (our
cost 22ppl).
And if 4.9 or 5.2 conversions are not for
you ...
... the ECU tune-up alone can transform the eagerness of power especially in
everyday driving styles, and most especially when considering the lack of
acceleration in standard models (increased economy is also a certainty, and you
are invited to try one free of charge, or we can mail it, with a full refund
guarantee). This is how sure we are of the improvements and real-time fuel
Dear Chris
New Range Rover 4.0 (Gems) re-chipped
Following my visit to you yesterday, I am happy to report
the following: Consumption on the trip to you from home was 19mpg. My fuel
consumption on the trip home was 22.3mpg. - You said it would improve (these
figures are according to the on board computer).
The vehicle is also far more willing and pulls harder with less throttle. I
must congratulate you on your level of service offered to us.
The coffee and lollipop for the family was a nice touch. I am extremely
suspicious about all in the motor trade and it was refreshing to find someone
who tells it as it is. I look forward to a gas conversion to my vehicle and
maybe a couple of other tweaks at the same time. Thank you again for your
Best regards Rory Bostock
Prices do not include local EU.Tax.(VAT).
Prices & stock are subject to change without notice. Information and advice, as always, is free.